Fiche cheval top scorer

R2C3 du

plathappy valley1200M136527the chinese general chamber of commerce cup (handicap) - section 212 partantsdépart à 12:10
18team happyH47p5p1p0p4patzeni a./101:10
23california deeplyH58p0p5p8p5pavdulla b./1
36fatal blowH4Inéditferraris l./1
1high percentageH59p9p1p1p7phewitson l./1
2natural highH40p0p0p0pthompson b./1
4exuberantH70p9p0p8p8pchau c.l./1
5circuit duffyH4Inéditpurton z./1
7top scorerH47p5pAp3p4pteetan k./1
9telecom powerH47p5p9p0p0pde melo k./1
10world heroH38p7p0pbadel a./1
11crystal powerfulH57p0p7p0p5pchadwick m./1
12ivictoriamH47p9p9p9p0phamelin a./1

R6C5 du

plathappy valley1200M136527speedy handicap - section 112 partantsdépart à 13:10
13spicy goldH51p1p5p2p7pbadel a./101:09
24storming dragonH43p2p4p2p3ppurton z./11 l
38beauty destinyH56p0p1p9p0patzeni a./11 l
49new powerH45p1p1p4p4pho c.y./11 l
56dragon air forceH48p4pteetan k./1encolure
62perfect generalH41p5pbowman h./11/2 l
75top scorerH45pAp3p4p2pavdulla b./1tete
810lucky manH40phewitson l./11 l
912sterling wongchoyH57p3p7p(23)0pchadwick m./11 l 1/4
107my day my wayH49pbentley h./1cte tete
111greenwichH57p6p0p1p7ppoon m.f./11/2 l
1211supreme winnerH30p7p0p0p9pchung y.l./12 l 1/2

R2C9 du

platsha tin (hong kong)1400M136527chaoyangmen handicap - section 114 partantsdépart à 08:35
18owners' praiseH69p0p6p(23)6phewitson l.9.1/101:21
23top scorerH40p3p2p(23)2ppurton z.2.25/11 l 3/4
39sky trustH44p5p3p5pho c.y.8.25/13/4 l
46call me supremeH4Inéditbowman h.20/11 l 1/2
513joyful friendshipH59p0p0p0p0ppoon m.f.114/1nez
612aca powerH87p2p5p4pbadel a.36/1encolure
74jumbo fortuneH60p0p0p0p3pbentley h.19/11 l 1/4
85circuit mightyH70p0p7p(23)0pchung y.l.30/11 l 1/2
911travel golfH58p8p0p4p2pchadwick m.32/1encolure
1010yee cheong raiderH49p9patzeni a.111/1encolure
1114youth powerH40p9p6p9p0pyeung m.l.129/1tete
122the absoluteH42p(23)1p6pferraris l.3.65/13/4 l
137never peter outH48pteetan k.37/11 l 1/4
141golden titleH65p9p0pchau c.l.50/12 l

R2C9 du

platsha tin (hong kong)1400M136527gladiolus handicap - sec 114 partantsdépart à 09:15
111sunlight powerH52p(23)5p0p4pbentley h.4.2/101:22
23arielH62p(23)5p6p0phewitson l.7.05/11 l 1/4
34top scorerH42p(23)2ppurton z.4.25/11 l 3/4
412can't go wongH60p5p(23)0p5ppoon m.f.39/1tete
510patch of timeH53p5p(23)9p4pferraris l.9.4/1cte tete
613cordyceps oneH71p(23)5p7p3phamelin a.21/1cte tete
72only uH50p(23)7p7pchau c.l.73/11/2 l
85master tornadoH62p(23)5p0p4pteetan k.7.2/1encolure
914speedstarH6(23)0p3p5p4pbadel a.23/11/2 l
101you'remyeverythingH70p(23)7p6p9pchung y.l.17/1encolure
118happy for allH56p(23)3p7p9pleung k.c.16/1encolure
126joy of springH55p(23)7p2pbowman h.12/11/2 l
137rainbow delightH4(23)0pchadwick m.97/11/2 l
149island goldenH5(23)7p6p6p3pavdulla b.54/13/4 l
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